We always strive to play our part in making a positive difference

To us, part of being a good business is working responsibly and using our own success to support others.

About us
Click here to open our full CSR policy

Charities we support

As well as for Breast Cancer Awareness, we have also held a fundraiser for Willen Hospice in our local town of Milton Keynes. We make regular donations to the following charities and work by the mantra, the more we grow, the more we support:

We genuinely care about our local and wider community.

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Supporting others

Our commitment to our employees, clients and charities.


We integrate the wellbeing of others into how we operate, living our values and caring for our employees and clients, who we see as part of a family. We believe in the gift of giving, and paying our good fortune forward through charitable support.

Breast Cancer awareness

Just check out how prettily pink they all looked during our fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness. Positively sparkling!


The team at Lucid are a kind and generous bunch, as well as being enthusiastic fundraisers whenever the opportunity arises. Luckily, they’re all decent sports and willing to do (almost) anything for a good cause.

What our clients say about us

Very happy with the service provided, all candidates have been of a very high standard

Deployment Manager, Large Value-added Reseller
A complete pleasure to work with, communication and response times are as good as I can hope for. We fully trust Matt and our account management team and are able to be honest about our requirements. Every effort is always made to rectify any issue or concern
Engineering Manager, National Outsourcing
Without doubt, one of the best 3rd party partners we have ever worked with
Resource Manager, UK Based Worldwide IT Distribution
We are very happy with the service provided by Lucid, especially when requesting last minute candidates and difficult locations. The response times are great, the account management team are helpful and most importantly honest
Resource Manager, Systems and Software Integration Specialist
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Need Our Help?

Lucid is able to provide full teams or individual specialists of experienced deployment staff across the whole of the UK including Project Managers, Architects, PMO/PSO, Team Leaders, Engineers, Schedulers, Coordinators, Trainers, Floor-Walkers and Support Staff, all of whom have delivered previous successful projects within various challenging environments.

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