UK General Election 2024: The Impact On Public Procurement

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UK General Election 2024: The Impact On Public Procurement

The general elections are the most significant events in the British political calendar. Their outcomes can have a number of implications for the work of departments and civil servants. On 22 May 2024, UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, announced there would be a general election on 4 July 2024. This means that the government will soon enter a period of what’s known as ‘purdah’…

What Does Purdah Mean?

Purdah is a term used in the context of elections and government activities, particularly in the United Kingdom. It refers to the pre-election period in which specific restrictions are placed on the actions of civil servants and government officials to ensure that public resources are not used for partisan campaigning purposes.

During the purdah period, which typically begins a few weeks before a general election, the government enters a period of restricted activity. Some key aspects of purdah include:

1. Limiting major policy decisions or announcements that could influence voters.
2. Restricting use of public resources for publicity that could be seen as advantageous to any political party.
3. Civil servants must be politically impartial and cannot engage in any controversial activities that could call their neutrality into question.
4. Government departments may have to pause certain consultations or public communications related to policy matters.

The exact rules and duration of purdah can vary between elections, but the overall aim is to avoid any actions by the civil service that could potentially advantage or disadvantage any candidates or parties during the election campaign period.

How Does This Impact Public Procurement?

Despite purdah applying to government and public bodies, it can still have an impact on business.

Public Procurement refers to the process by which public authorities, such as government departments or local authorities, acquire works, goods or services from companies. This process follows strict rules and regulations to ensure transparency, and optimal utilisation of public funds. However, during the pre-election period referred to as ‘purdah’, these procurement guidelines are often tightened further, making it harder for businesses to secure government contracts.

 What Can You Do During This Period?

Procurement professionals should thoroughly review past and current directives to understand the specific expectations and constraints enforced during the pre-election period. If your team had plans to finalise any new procurement contracts between now and the election day, it is crucial to reassess the potential sensitivity of those contracts. The same can be said for any planned communications or announcements that could influence any voters’ decisions.

 What Does This All Mean For You?

Well, if you apply your services in the public sector and are available for a new assignment you may notice a slight drop off in advertised opportunities in the public sector whilst suppliers await responses on live tenders and the announcement of new opportunities. Therefore, it’s a good time to make new connections and build partnerships. Please get in touch and join Lucids’ network!

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