IT Outsourcing In 2024

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Yes they are! But why? UK companies still face great competition for top IT talent, due to a skill shortage. While in-house recruitment teams are valuable, relying solely on them may limit your hiring potential. Outsourcing can complement your in-house efforts, offering access to niche talent pools, speeding up the hiring process, and providing specialised market insights. We explore the benefits in detail below! 


Access to Niche Talent Pools

Talent specialists have extensive networks and deep connections within specific industries. This is especially beneficial in the tech sector, where specialised skills and experience are often required. According to a recent survey, 60% of tech positions are filled through outsourcing because they have access to passive candidates who may not be actively looking but are open to new opportunities. These candidates might not be reachable through traditional in-house recruitment channels.


Speeding Up Time to Hire

As we know, time to hire is critical in a fast-paced industry. Headhunters are equipped with tools and strategies to streamline the hiring process. The average time to hire is 30% faster than in-house teams. This efficiency helps companies avoid prolonged vacancies that can impact productivity and their project timelines.


Specialised Market Insights

External employment businesses can provide valuable insights into market trends, salary benchmarks, and competitive landscapes. They keep up to date with the latest developments and can offer guidance on how to attract and retain top IT talent. This knowledge can be highly beneficial in shaping your hiring strategy and ensuring that your offers are competitive.



While there is a fee associated, the cost can be offset by the benefits they provide. Outsourcing can help reduce the time and resources spent on in-house recruitment activities and lower the risk of a bad hire, which can be costly. A report by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation found that companies outsourcing, save an average of 20% on hiring costs compared to those relying solely on in-house teams.


How Lucid Connect Can Help You

In-house teams are essential, but they may not be enough to meet all your hiring needs. If you’re ready to optimise your hiring strategy. Partner with us to see the difference it can make. We are passionate about connecting talented technology professionals with modern and ambitious companies. If you wish to discuss any of our current vacancies or learn more about industry trends and insight, please reach out to our experienced team on /

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